832-732-5063 emilyandros@gmail.com


When we create a new brand for a company,  we always spend more time on our client’s first project(s), thinking about what their new “look and feel” should be. We review their ad strategy (if they have one) or we develop a new one for them if they have never sat down with a marketing expert and reviewed the marketing/sales & advertising aspects of their business. Nothing is more important than thinking through and creating an advertising strategy for a company, as this will create a strong, successful foundation for all the marketing & advertising projects that follow.  We can do this for YOUR company as well.

When we do this type of strategy work, we gather up our team of experts (most of us have multiple decades experience developing brands)….and we think about things like how do you want your clients to think of you?, i.e., what type of company you want to be and how do you want your clients to perceive you – are you big, small, family oriented, the little guy, the big guy, the new guy on the block, the industry leader, etc.  We also consider what your competition is doing and what you’d need to do to separate yourself from them.  

“Branding is the most important step in creating any advertising – ad materials developed without thinking about these things is essentially useless” – Emily Andros

When we develop your company’s strategy, we almost always start by looking at and analyzing your target market.  Who are they? How old are they? Are they men or women or both?  What kind of people are they? Where do they shop?  How can we reach them?  What type of company do we think your target market would feel most comfortable buying from?

We also talk about your significant margin of difference – what do you have or what do you do that makes you different from your competition? If you don’t have a significant margin of difference, we try to think of some way to separate you from your competition.  And who is your competition?  What are they like?  What is their branding like?  What do their advertising & marketing materials look like?  Of course we want to be sure your branding is completely unique and doesn’t look like your competitor’s branding and positioning – and to do that we need to know who they are (just FYI, we have been developing ad strategies for the last 25+ years; in addition, we have extensive experience managing the design & production of advertising, sales & marketing materials so when you work with us, you will get substantially better materials than you would get with other agencies. Many agencies don’t have this type of experience as they are strictly design houses and don’t have the skills needed to make sure your advertising materials do what they are supposed to do.

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