Websites, Web Marketing and Everything Web
When you hire The Marketing Department to create a new site for you or to update an older site, you’ll get a new WORDPRESS site using our easy-to-use interface, that makes it 10,000 times easier to use WordPress. Your new website will appear correctly on both Apple & PC computers and will work with the major web browsers (Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome) as well as on mobile phones/mobile browsers (iPhone, iPad, Mobile Phones, etc.). The interface that we use is a system that is used within WordPress that allows clients to easily and quickly add and remove pages or edit the images & text on their sites (it will be easy once we set up the initial site.) We use this patented system on nearly all the sites we create because it makes it so much easier to use WordPress, if you don’t know how to use it already.
Your new website will not only be EDITABLE by you or your team, but it will also be RESPONSIVE, which means the site will “redraw” itself depending on the monitor that is being used to view it. As a result, it will look right on a little mobile phone AND on a 60” TV. The website will be designed based on your new corporate branding (which we will determine by considering and discussing your competition, target market, significant margin of difference, method of sales, etc.) This new branding will be integrated into all the materials we create for you and will be easily recognizable by your clients as yours. This will create an easily recognizable brand that will greatly assist in the marketing of your products and services.
Get a FREE 30-minute phone consultation with a marketing expert - i.e. ME! I've been managing marketing projects & teams for large companies & small, established & start-ups and from ZERO Budget to Multi-Million dollar advertising budgets. I have extensive experience in all the different options and together we can think about what you need to do to get some action! Call me today or any day to set up a time that will work for you.