In a recent post I promised to help you figure out how and when to change your brand. But before I do that I think I should take a minute to define branding for you….. After a million years in advertising I’ve pretty much heard it all….but recently when pitching a...
My previous blog was about figuring out where to start your new brochure. This blog will give you a little info about what to do next and help you answer the question about “brochure size”. I often get calls from clients asking me to quote a brochure, but that’s...
This is a post that I made a while back that didn’t make it onto this blog. It follows a slightly different stream of consciousness (than my more recent posts)….but I think you’ll still find it interesting. Nothing’s hotter than Digital Media and Social Web...
Why should you pay someone to layout a brochure or a logo or a website, when you can get someone to do it for less than nothing online? Well, the reason is because good advertising – RESULTS driven advertising – requires graphic designing and advertising...
You want to create a new brochure for your company but you have no (or little) idea about where to start. This is blog’s for you! First, you’ll need a quote and before you can get that, you’ll have to give your ad agency or independent advertising person a little bit...